Adaptive / Wheelchair Tennis Clinic - Sept 22

Sunday, Sept 22nd, I covered Angel City's Wheelchair/Adaptive Tennis Clinic. The West Coast Wheelchair Tennis Associaton (WCWTA) teamed up with Angel City and their own Anthony Larra, also a member of WCWTA, ran the event. Anthony has an impressive career with numerous awards, the last being the 2017 Angel City Sports Foundation's "Coach of the Year". He mentioned during the clinic that the goal of WCWTA is to hold one clinic every week.

The Clinic was conducted at the Marguerite Tennis Pavillion in Casta Del Sol, Mission Viejo, CA.

The more I cover these events the better I understand what Adaptive Sports means. They are not only athletes in a wheelchair but often they have additional physical challenges. It is an unfortunate amazing ignorance the general public holds in confusing Adaptive Sports and Special Olympics. There couldn't be any different competitions. In sharing the images Cameron and I capture, people are always stunned at the athletes' intensities.

Continue reading and check out more photos!

Written By:
Jaime & Cameron Robles


Angel City Sports & DK3 Wheelchair Basketball Clinic


“I’m above ground, so I enjoy life”