Episode #15 - Terry Hayes

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Terry Hayes – Paralympian – Fencing – Terry was born in Freemont, Nebraska, and grew up in Tidewater, Virginia. She has a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Atlantic Christian College and a Master's degree in Early Childhood Special Education from Old Dominion University. Hayes served in the Army as an early childhood special education teacher. Hayes wanted to remain involved in sports after being diagnosed with Primary Cerebellar Degeneration, a progressive brain disease, and becoming a full-time wheelchair user. Doing a Google search for wheelchair sports, Hayes discovered parafencing with a video of Lauryn DeLuca fencing at the 2016 Paralympic Games. She’s been fencing ever since and will be the oldest Category B fencer at the Tokyo Games.

You can follow Terry’s journey on the following social media: 

Facebook – Terry Hayes
Twitter - @2flgals
Instagram – parafencing.usa.terry
GoFundMe - Terry Hayes


Episode #16 - Joe Delagrave


Episode #14 - Jake Schrom