Learning From the Best- Adaptive Sports USA National Conference

A few weeks ago, the ACS staff had the privilege to attend the Adaptive Sports USA 2019 National Conference. Over the course of three days, we were able to learn from  the best minds in adaptive athletics on topics such as: risk management, sponsorships, nonprofit leadership, rowing for rehabilitation, and emergency preparedness. I was even lucky enough to watch our Table Tennis lead Jennifer Lučarević speak about prosthetics for sport- she is the best! 

The conference took place at Ability 360, an incredible adaptive fitness facility in Phoenix. One of the highlights was watching the two rival Arizona power soccer teams face each other in an intense and entertaining match! We learned that power soccer is becoming more and more popular among adaptive sports programs all across the country. Our goal is to incorporate power soccer into our ongoing programming within the next two years. If you would like to play- let us know

One of the most helpful elements of this conference is the opportunity to brainstorm with other major event directors. I was able to collaborate with the masterminds that host the Endeavor Games, Great Lake Games, Beehive Games, and many more sensational leaders. Together, we were able to discuss how to continue to improve our events and attract more spectators to support our phenomenal athletes. 

While the Adaptive Sports USA National Conference is only held once a year- I look forward to reconnecting with everyone when we all support our own athletes at the 2020 Junior Nationals in Denver. The 2020 Angel City Games will be held about 1 month before Junior Nationals and is a qualifying event! Be sure to keep an eye out for the 2020 Angel City Games registration in January!

I am so grateful for the opportunity to attend forums such as the Adaptive Sports USA National Conference so Angel City can continue to give our athletes the ability to unlock their dreams.

Written by:

Camille Mahlknecht


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