Crazy Amazing Humans Episode 4: "Angel City Sports"

Psychologists suggest that many times the things that can hold us back are simply roadblocks that we construct in our minds. The challenges are real, but we don’t always embrace our own creativity to deal with and overcome those challenges. This is one of many reasons why the story of Ezra Frech and his family is so compelling.

Ezra is the inspiration behind, and co-founder with his family of, Angel City Sports, a high-growth, high-impact non-profit organization dedicated to providing the joy of sports and a community of belonging to children and adults with physical disabilities. Ezra’s passion and dedication to sports has earned him elite athlete status and placed him on the US Paralympic Track and Field Team at the age of 15. He embodies both the power of the human spirit as well as the kind of compassion for others that is truly remarkable. His message is “Being Different is OK” and he believes you should “Focus on What You Have Versus What You Don’t Have.”

Come get to know and be inspired by this warm and engaging family as they choose to embrace the spirit of “tikkun olam” (i.e. to heal the world with your actions) in all that they do.

For the full podcast, click here!


The Bleave Track & Field Podcast


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