Sarena Granados Sarena Granados

Angel Athlete Highlight - Lana Aronis

Meet Lana Aronis! With more courage and confidence, Lana was able to return home and overcome a struggle at gymnastics she was having prior to the Games. Read further for what obstacle she conquered.

Meet Lana Aronis! She attended the 2019 Angel City Games presented by The Hartford with some assistance from our travel grant program. Lana has been practicing gymnastics at home and was able to try sitting volleyball and the high jump for the first time while at the Games, which she loved 😊.

We always believe that sports and community can boost an athlete's confidence and Lana is no different! With more courage and confidence, Lana was able to return home and overcome a struggle at gymnastics she was having prior to the Games.

Her struggle? Doing a pullover mount. Some of her struggle was physical strength, but it mostly came down to self-doubt and lack of courage.

On her first night back at gymnastics, facing her obstacle at the bar, she overcame it all. She walked straight up to the bar, without hesitation, and pulled herself higher than ever before successfully completing a pullover mount! We couldn't be prouder of you, Lana - keep up the great work!!

Thank you to Emily Aronis for sharing!

"It was no coincidence that it happened after the Angel City Games...I honestly believe her being surrounded by the amazing athletes that weekend showed her that anything is possible."

Written By:
Sarena Granados
Marketing Coordinator

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